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Flowery waffle

Granun 36 months, Ferdy sour, caramelized onion, spring herbs and flowers

The meaning:

give the cheeses a technical cooking process, beyond their natural shape, enhancing them with different shapes and consistencies.

The base of the dish: Carlo Duca's Granun is the expression of the dairy technique since it is a hard pasta which is very complex to make, the processing is concentrated in a few tens of minutes on a significant quantity of milk (about 250/300 litres) from which produces wheels weighing approximately 25 kg which mature for a minimum of 3 years!
We changed the texture of the cheese by processing it in the Siphon, cooking it like a waffle.
The texture is super crunchy, the taste of the Granun is intact!

On the basis of a super-mature cheese, a creamy product from Agro del Ferdy is born that is only two days old, the beauty of the encounter between crunchiness and creaminess.


Then comes spring: the wild herbs.
At this time of year the meadows bloom and so many edible varieties grow in one square meter that you want to use them all but how can you do it? We thought we would enhance them in purity, in their most authentic form.

Every day, in turn, the kitchen team works to harvest what is growing with the aim of putting the most absolute freshness on the waffle.

When you go to the forest, to the meadows, you begin to get to know how herbs behave, you study their development, you find out in which places they grow, how the taste changes between the leaf and the flower, how it develops, improves and clearly "passes" - unfortunately the life and use period is very limited.

On the waffle the herbs are different every day, at the moment we are enhancing:
primrose leaf and flower, earth ivy, clover, silene, false nettle, forget-me-not, Madonna's eyes, mint, hundred-eyed daisy, chives, dandelion, apple blossom, leaf yarrow, wild cherry, dill and what the forest and the meadow give us.

We don't know how long this dish will stay with us because certainly the best time is spring, then little by little the flowers will fade away and with them also the waffle and then return like nature next year.


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