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Our Amaro del Ferdy herbs liquor dresses up with a new style!

Saturday 17 March 2018

We kept you waiting, but we all know the nature has its own rythm! 

Our Amaro del Ferdy gets a new style!

Our Amaro del Ferdy herbs liquor dresses up with a new style!

Amaro del Ferdy 

The love of the Ferdy family company for the wild herbs has always been a very important part of what we do and what has been passed down from generation to generation. 
Now as back then the herbs and hand picked up on the Orobie mountains during the seasons. 
The production is limited and it is up to the nature availability. 

Our Amaro del Ferdy herbs liquor dresses up with a new style!
Our Amaro del Ferdy herbs liquor dresses up with a new style!
Our Amaro del Ferdy herbs liquor dresses up with a new style!
Our Amaro del Ferdy herbs liquor dresses up with a new style!
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